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HomeOpenVZ Virtual Private Servers Plans

OpenVZ Virtual Private Servers Plans

Our OpenVZ virtual private server plans include large CPU usage and RAM allotments and offer a 99.955:config/singular56:config/singular% for only a month. You can get our charge-free Hepsia Control Panel, which will allow you to host unlimited domain names. A website installation tool, an XML sitemap generator and an .htaccess file generator are just some of the useful tools that we have incorporated in our web hosting Control Panel.

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(vps_openvz plans not available)

  • UNLIMITED Domains
  • UNLIMITED Emails
  • UNLIMITED Databases
  • UNLIMITED FTP Accounts
  • FAST Account Activation
  • NO Setup Fees
  • 24/7/365 Support
  • WEEKLY Off-site Backups
  • SSH/ FULL Root Access
  • OS Choices (CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu)
  • CONTROL PANEL Choices (Hepsia, cPanel, DirectAdmin)